Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yonsei vs Korea!!!

Sorry I have been busy with midterms for the longest time so I haven't updated my blog at all. 

So on September 24, it was the BIG sports event of my school, Yonsei, versus its "rival" Korea University. I had to wake up at 7:30 in order to catch the bus that is taking us to the game. I was soooo close to not going because it was really early for me on a Saturday! However, this was a once in a lifetime chance so I dragged myself out of my room and made it to the game. 

The bus ride was an about an hour. When we got there, there was already a lot of people. We followed the rest of the students that were with us. I didn't know where to go, so me and my friends were trying to find out where Yonsei students sat. We got Korea University towels from students who were handing out free stuff. We finally found our spot and sat down. 

We waited for a while before the games started. The games were Rugby and then Soccer. The game finally started and during the whole time that the game was on, the yonsei students cheered to the music that was playing. After a while, I started to think that no one or at least a majority of the people, were not even watching the game; they were too busy focusing on cheering to the songs and dancing correctly. I saw that everyone around me had a Yonsei towel and a visor so I wanted one too. My friends and I decided to go and find where they were giving it out. After a while of searching, I spotted them in a box so we finally got a visor, but we couldn't find the towel :(

We went back to watch the game and cheered. However, I didn't have that much spirit so I didn't cheer for the whole 5 hours that I was there, but the rest of the students did. This is seriously the most spirit I have EVER seen; which is a nice thing lol Yonsei lost the Rugby game though :( The second game started. Our University was giving us water and kimbab so that was nice of them. By 3 pm, the sun was shining straight in our faces so I began to have a headache :(

I endured the sun for a bit, but then I decided that I want to leave because I also had a concert to go to at 7. One of my friend, Cristina, left with me. That was the end of my day there at the game. I was really glad that I went and I enjoyed my time there a lot ^_^

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